Osteopathic Manipulation Specialist

Osteopathic Manipulation Specialist

Osteopathic Manipulation services offered in La Cañada Flintridge, CA

If you experience joint pain or stiffness, limited mobility, or other musculoskeletal issues, osteopathic manipulation offers a path to relief. Through his self-named practice, Richard Compton, DO, Dr. Compton offers these services to patients in and around La Cañada Flintridge, California. If you’d like to learn more about how osteopathic manipulation can help your health and wellness, call the office to book a visit or schedule online in just a few clicks.  

Osteopathic Manipulation Q&A

What is osteopathic manipulation?

Osteopathic manipulation is a form of hands-on treatment that focuses on treating mechanical pain brought on by some form of structural imbalance. The goal is to prompt your body to heal itself once your bones and muscle tissues are aligned properly. 

Physicians who choose to specialize in osteopathic medicine are trained in the ways that the body, spirit, and mind work together as individual parts of an interconnected system. While a significant portion of training centers on the musculoskeletal system, these doctors are also trained to address the full scope of health needs.  

Most people seek osteopathic manipulation to treat back pain, but other conditions can benefit from this type of therapy. Some of the additional benefits of osteopathic manipulation include:

  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Bowel issues
  • Arthritis
  • Sinus infections
  • Chronic pain
  • Insomnia
  • Sports injuries

These are just a few examples of conditions that can benefit from osteopathic manipulation. 

What happens during osteopathic manipulation visits?

When you come in for your visit, you’ll be directed to lie down, stand up, or sit on the exam table. Dr. Compton uses his hands to manipulate your soft tissues and move your limbs using specific techniques. 

There are more than 40 different osteopathic manipulation techniques. According to your needs, your session might include one or several of them. You may be asked to hold your breath at certain points or release your breath at other times. 

The movements used in osteopathic manipulation can range from very slow and controlled to swift and sudden. Many people report feeling immediate improvements even before their sessions are over. 

Why choose osteopathic manipulation over other treatment paths?

There are numerous reasons to give osteopathic manipulation a try. Some people choose this treatment method because they want to find relief from musculoskeletal pain without invasive surgical procedures. Others want to avoid pharmaceutical interventions and the risk of addiction or side effects. 

Some people choose osteopathic manipulation when surgery fails to yield the desired results. For others, this form of treatment has been a preferred approach for many years and is simply another aspect of health and wellness care. 

Osteopathic manipulation is often used before or during physical therapy. The hands-on techniques are an excellent addition to most physical therapy programs. 

When you’re ready to learn more, booking a visit is a quick process. Online booking is an option, or you can always call to speak with a member of the administrative staff regarding appointment availability.